Prepare for your next job or strengthen your business today with free webinars.


Envision a
brighter future
with the help of your neighbors and colleagues

L2B seeks to connect job seekers, businesses, and nonprofits of New Jersey with organizations and experts who are actively engaging in business and workforce development webinars.

Interested in becoming a sponsor or affiliate?

Contact Us Today

The L2B (Libraries to Business) website will no longer be updated and has officially been archived.

Instead, please consider visiting the My Networking Central website. This site fills multiple needs:

-Connects job seekers with job search groups and career development opportunities

-Provides employers with individuals seeking work

-Establishes a place for public libraries and business, economic, and workforce development groups to post their events and meetings

The New Jersey State Library and Main Library Alliance thank you for using the L2B website. The needs of New Jersey’s residents have changed as together we navigate exiting the COVID-19 pandemic together and establishing a new normal. Have a wonderful day.